2. The Utah Compact states "Immigration is a federal policy issue between the U.S. government and other countries — not Utah and other countries." So the 4 bills violate The Utah Compact, not the constitution.
3. There are 4 bills. One that provides enforcement HB 497, one that provides for migrant workers HB 466, one that provides sponsoring HB 469, and one that provides a guest worker permit HB 116. HB 116 was modified to become a combination of others and could be deleted and the 3 bills remaining can function and many believe would work better.
4. With HB 469, you don't need HB 116. Someone here illegally could find a sponsor, go home and come back with permission.
5. If we are going to have a line for people to come to this country, you can't reward those that bypass the line. HB 116 violates that. HB 469 doesn't.