Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 5 Update

Week five of the Legislative General Session.

Numbered bills for Rep. Fred C. Cox

H.B. 29 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Amendments
passed the House and the Senate, waiting for the Governor's signature

H.B. 126 Design Professionals - Amendments (See Sub. 3)
in House Business and Labor. A new Sub. 2 was written and failed to pass the committee.

H.B. 162 Construction Trades Continuing Education Amendments
in House Business and Labor. It isn't moving as HB 193 removes the requirement instead of fixing it.

H.B. 177 Absentee Ballot Amendments (See Sub 2)
passed House and is at the Senate Government Operations Committee on the agenda. 

H.B. 243 Vintage Vehicle Amendments
Passed the House and is in the Senate, on the Transportation Committee agenda.

H.B. 281 Revisions to Elections Law
failed to pass the House Government Operations Committee
An identical bill passed a Senate Committee and failed on the 2nd reading for the Senate.

HB 286 Building Code Amendments
in House Business and Labor. A different bill, with the same amendments and others, HB 285 is moving and is on the House 3rd Reading .

Two other bills are being drafted.

See the above link for more information and also for some bills in the works. Several bills may not be required if the situation is solved in another bill. 

Remember, any bill may change and that could change my support or opposition.


I have also been very involved in debating, amending and voting for and against many other bills, along with on going discussions on the budget and policy decisions.

Stay on top of posts from my blog:

801-966-2636 (home)

Official Legislative Website and email

The best way to get a hold of me is via email at:

There have been 3 town hall meetings, well attended with one more. Hundreds of Surveys have been returned. I am still reading them. I have some general statistics from them which is always amazing.
2015 Town Hall Meetings at Hunter Library 4740 West 4100 South West Valley City, Utah
Thu. January 22, 2015, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 24, 2015, 1:00pm to 2:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 31, 2015, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Sat. February 28, 2015, 10:30am to 11:45am

A 2015 survey is at:

Other links:  (personal profile)  (public page)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 4 Update

Week four of the Legislative General Session.

Numbered bills for Rep. Fred C. Cox

H.B. 29 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Amendments
passed the House and the Senate, waiting for the Governor's signature

H.B. 126 Design Professionals - Amendments (See Sub. 3)
in House Business and Labor. A new Sub. 2 has been written and is likely to move this week.

H.B. 162 Construction Trades Continuing Education Amendments
in House Business and Labor. It isn't moving as HB 193 removes the requirement instead of fixing it.

H.B. 177 Absentee Ballot Amendments (See Sub 2)
passed House and is at the Senate Government Operations Committee

H.B. 243 Vintage Vehicle Amendments
Passed the House and is in the Senate

H.B. 281 Revisions to Elections Law
failed to pass the House Government Operations Committee
An identical bill passed a Senate Committee and is on the 2nd reading for the Senate.

HB 286 Building Code Amendments
Is in House Rules

See the above link for more information and also for some bills in the works. Several bills may not be required if the situation is solved in another bill. 

Remember, any bill may change and that could change my support or opposition.


I have also been very involved in debating, amending and voting for and against many other bills, along with on going discussions on the budget and policy decisions.

Stay on top of posts from my blog:

801-966-2636 (home)

Official Legislative Website and email

The best way to get a hold of me is via email at:

There have been 3 town hall meetings, well attended with one more. Hundreds of Surveys have been returned. I am still reading them. I have some general statistics from them which is always amazing.
2015 Town Hall Meetings at Hunter Library 4740 West 4100 South West Valley City, Utah
Thu. January 22, 2015, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 24, 2015, 1:00pm to 2:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 31, 2015, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Sat. February 28, 2015, 10:30am to 11:45am

A 2015 survey is at:

Other links:  (personal profile)  (public page)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 3 Update

Week three of the Legislative General Session.

Numbered bills for Rep. Fred C. Cox

H.B. 29 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Amendments
passed the House and the Senate, waiting for the Governor's signature

H.B. 126 Design Professionals - Amendments (See Sub. 3)
in House Business and Labor

H.B. 162 Construction Trades Continuing Education Amendments
in House Business and Labor

H.B. 177 Absentee Ballot Amendments (See Sub 1)
passed House and is at the Senate Government Operations Committee

H.B. 243 Vintage Vehicle Amendments
in House Transportation Committee

H.B. 281 Revisions to Elections Law
is on the agenda for House Government Operations Committee
An identical bill that I will be floor sponsoring passed a Senate Committee and is on the 2nd reading for the Senate.

HB 286 Building Code Amendments
Is in House Rules

See the above link for more information and also for some bills in the works. Several bills may not be required if the situation is solved in another bill. 

Remember, any bill may change and that could change my support or opposition.


I have also been very involved in debating, amending and voting for and against many other bills, along with on going discussions on the budget and policy decisions.

Stay on top of posts from my blog:

801-966-2636 (home)

Official Legislative Website and email

The best way to get a hold of me is via email at:

There have been 3 town hall meetings, well attended with one more. Hundreds of Surveys have been returned. I am still reading them. I have some general statistics from them which is always amazing.
2015 Town Hall Meetings at Hunter Library 4740 West 4100 South West Valley City, Utah
Thu. January 22, 2015, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 24, 2015, 1:00pm to 2:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 31, 2015, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Sat. February 28, 2015, 10:30am to 11:45am

A 2015 survey is at:

Other links:  (personal profile)  (public page)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

2015 HB 281 Revisions to Elections Law

2015 H.B. 281 Revisions to Elections Law
(See also S.B. 43)
An effective delay for two years. It leaves the "compromise" intact.

SB 43 and an identical piece in the house HB 281 doesn't change the deal. It just provides more time. It leaves 2014 SB 54 in place.

Count My Vote demanded that the Utah GOP needed to deal with Fire Fighters and Doctors and Mom's with sick kids being able to vote at our GOP neighborhood caucus night. If you remember their initial press conference, that was their focus.

It took longer than Count My Vote wanted to but at least the Utah GOP did fix it so the Fire Fighters and Doctors and Mom's with sick kids were able to vote at our GOP neighborhood caucus night, if their schedule didn't allow attending in person.

Why is more time needed? Not only is there a current lawsuit where this will allow time for it to play out it will allow time for the parties to respond to that decision.

2014 SB54 passed less than one year ago demands the Parties change the way delegates can vote at convention, or , as I read it, requires them to double the number of seats, with the backup delegate there just in case, and to have all 29 counties and state conventions in less than 2 weeks.

Not only that, but SB54 includes at least one item Count My Vote didn't because of constitution questions.

Providing time for the court to find out "where is the line" and provide the parties time to see if is even possible to deal with 2014 SB 54 at the county and state levels is smart.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week 2 Update

Week two of the Legislative General Session.

Numbered bills for Rep. Fred C. Cox

H.B. 29 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Amendments
passed the House and the Senate Transportation and Public Utilities and Technology Committee and on the 2nd Senate Reading Calendar

H.B. 126 Design Professionals - Amendments (See Sub. 3)
in House Business and Labor

H.B. 162 Construction Trades Continuing Education Amendments
in House Business and Labor

H.B. 177 Absentee Ballot Amendments (See Sub 1)
passed House Government Operations Committee, on House 3rd Reading Calendar

H.B. 243 Vintage Vehicle Amendments
in House Rules

H.B. 281 Revisions to Elections Law
to be read in for the first time prior to going to House Rules
An identical bill that I will be floor sponsoring passed a Senate Committee  on Friday

To be numbered this week
Building Code Amendments

See the above link for more information and also for some bills in the works. Several bills may not be required if the situation is solved in another bill. 

Remember, any bill may change and that could change my support or opposition.


I have also been very involved in debating, amending and voting for and against many other bills, along with on going discussions on the budget and policy decisions.

Stay on top of posts from my blog:

801-966-2636 (home)

Official Legislative Website and email

The best way to get a hold of me is via email at:

There have been 3 town hall meetings, well attended with one more. Hundreds of Surveys have been returned. I am still reading them. I have some general statistics from them which is always amazing.
2015 Town Hall Meetings at Hunter Library 4740 West 4100 South West Valley City, Utah
Thu. January 22, 2015, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 24, 2015, 1:00pm to 2:30pm (completed)
Sat. January 31, 2015, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Sat. Febrary 28, 2015, 10:30am to 11:45am

A 2015 survey is at:

Other links:  (personal profile)  (public page)