Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fred Cox for Utah House District 30 Endorsements and Campaign Spending

I recently had someone ask about Endorsements to my campaign and campaign spending.

I am sorry this post is long. To be short, Vote for Fred C. Cox for Utah House District 30.

Back to the question:  I said I specifically received a number of endorsements from local residents and a few from the outside. My most important endorsement is you.

A few endorsements listed are at:

I have received campaign contributions from a few current or former legislators, and also some contributions from people living in West Valley. 
Some of the contributions are from me. 

You can see them for Fred C. Cox here:

You can look at the filing for the Convention and you can see what I have raised since then by clicking on the Received Contributions Report link.

I have tried to be frugal in my expenses. I won the convention vote with 66.7% of the votes and with your help we will win. 

Dave Parke, who is on the ballot for the primary through signatures, has his disclosures here:

You can look at the filing for the Convention and you can see what he has raised since then by clicking on the Received Contributions Report link.

Add them both together and contributions total over $35,000. Pretty impressive. 

Much of that money is from the Governor's campaign or the Governor himself, so far $14,803.
Education First, represented by Gail Miller with the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies and Scott Anderson, recently from Zions Bank $5,000
Governing Group, Becky Edward's PAC fund, $1000
about 18 groups with lobbyists, from a fundraiser the Governor had for Dave, totals over $10,000. 

We don't know where most of the money has been spent yet, but we should know in a couple of weeks, prior to the close of the primary election. 
The two largest expenses for convention were the $3200 for signatures to get on the ballot and $4000 to hire the campaign consultant the Governor uses. 

If you take into account Dave's daughter married the Governor's son, you might give Dave a break for getting so much support and now an endorsement from the Govenor.
Why wouldn't he want his son's father-in-law to win, especially since he asked Dave to run.

Why vote for Fred?

I have experience. In addition to being in the legislature for 4 years, I have been very involved in many efforts such as keeping the prison in Draper, the 2019 Tax Referendum, keeping our state flag, both for a referendum and as an initiative. 

I have also learned a lot from you at the 8 town hall meetings we have had so far this year want again to invite you to the next two town hall meetings:

I have scheduled the following town hall meetings to learn what issues are important to you.

Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11am to 12:30pm, West Valley Library Meeting Room, 2880 W 3650 S, West Valley City, UT 84119
(near the mall)

Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11am to 12:30pm, Hunter Library Meeting Room, 4740 W 4100 S, West Valley City, UT 84120

"I believe we must stand up and be heard or watch our constitutionally protected rights disappear. We can't continue to let government take over our lives".
This was the reason I ran for office originally, and it is still true today.

I had the opportunity to serve in the Utah House of Representatives in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016. During that time, I had a reputation of being willing to speak up and to fight for and vote for what I believed was right, no matter the opposition.

I also had the reputation of reading though all of the bills I would vote on, and after the 2016 session a comedy song joked that I might have known other legislators' bills better than they did. This year they created a "Fred Cox" award for legislators finding errors no one else did. During my service, I had one of the best floor attendance records of anyone in the House. I wanted to be in the chamber during debates and voting so I could hear both sides of an issue and see if a bill was ready or needed to be amended or voted down. "Motion to Amend" was something I said more than once. I always voted for or against the bill no matter who the sponsor was or what party they belonged to.

As a private citizen, at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, I was the original sponsor (1 of 5) for the Utah 2019 Tax referendum. Working with voters throughout the state, both liberal, conservative, and everything in between, and as volunteers, we were able to gather over 170,000 signatures in 29 counties, exceeding the 116,000 required signatures in 15 counties. Because of the success of our team, the Legislature and the Governor repealed 2019 SB 2001, instead of facing the backlash of the voters that fall.

You can reach me though social media:
My website is at:

I have a blog:

Ballots will be mailed out in This week, with many arriving yesterday. 

I ask for your vote.

Fred C. Cox for Utah House District 30